Monday 19 April 2010

Quite a weekend!

Was commenting on Facebook tonight about how energised I feel at the moment.As someone who suffers badly from SAD, it is amazing how much benefit I get from a few days of sunshine. Just as well, too, as we had an action-packed weekend at St Auggie's.

It was Dumbarton Churches Together Spring Festival Weekend and we had the Clydebank Salvation Army Brass Band packing them in on Friday. The hordes returned tonight for a Spring Praise Night, and again we had a full church! This morning the main service was full of babes and the congregation has a "young" feel about it just now.

We are talking about "Saving the High Street" at the moment, and here is this beautiful, functional building in the High St which so many folk don't acknowledge, possibly because they have never been inside. The local Roman Catholic priest tonight called it the "Jewel in the High St", and so it is! I'm lucky to be here!

The fly in the ointment was getting the church computer nicked, but since I'd backed up everything, and a kind soul has offered to replace the computer, I'm not exactly about to commit hari-kari over it.

Some great ideas for mission/outreach and partnership with other bodies in the town are flowing from congregational members at the moment, and even our leaking roof looks as if it's been finally fixed!

So it's one of those Sunday nights when all is well with the world, but me, being me, is just waiting for it all to tumble down. As I try to live in the day, though, as I do, today has been very good!

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