Monday 20 February 2012

Time Flies!

Eek! Is it a whole week since I last posted? So much has been going on! Not least of these the opportunity to get to Kinnoull for a lovely wee Lenten Retreat led by Denis McBride. As I said, I felt I was running on empty, a bit, and the chance to join this retreat this week just sort of rolled into my hands. I gratefully took it! Through until Friday, lots of talk and reflection on "Jesus, a Man of Passion", and we are due to begin soon.

I regret not blogging last week, for there were some very deep 'shary' moments, not least how I was feeling after my annual Ministry Review. Once I get home I will be trying to post every day, during Lent, unless something happens this week to discourage that! I'm trying to be open- minded about where God is leading me just now. Out of the pit, hopefully!

So, into silence we go, after supper, and into a chance to meet God in new ways in the stillness. My room is overlooking the gardens and the chickens for once, rather than the car park! Might be a good omen!


Erp said...

I'm glad you are feeling somewhat more comforted.

fr dougal said...

Enjoy! And the woods are good for a ramble.