Sunday, 10 January 2010


Our church "baby" demonstrates the Toronto Blessing!

but is later rescued by Rachel!


susan s. said...

What is the Toronto Blessing? I am afraid I am woefully behind!

susan s. said...

Oh, and I have to say that is the cutest baby I have seen in a long time!

fr dougal said...

Toronto Blessing? I thought she'd been on the Lanliq.

Fr Kenny said...

It's pretty old-fashioned now, Susan, but it tends to manifest itself by being "struck down" by the power of the Holy Spirit! You've seen the videos where the preacher will pray and push the person on to the floor, unconscious, to demonstrate God's power?

susan s. said...

Oh, they call that being slain in the spirit here in the US. It's a big feature of those holy roller TV shows on the 'religious' channels! So y'all think it started in Toronto? Think again! ;-)