Saturday 30 January 2010


Apple's new device for clergy: The iPreach! (Thanks Susan!)

The iPreach......for the priest who needs just one more thing! Features include:

* 16-point font for easy reading
* Stores your sermons for up to 50 years
* app for Bible readings of the day
* app for Biblical commentary on said readings
* app for poems that sound like they could have been Biblical commentary
* app for dog whistle-like tone to wake up sleeping congregations
* app for soothing music to counter dog whistle to keep babies pacified
* app for canned laughter at joke you *know* is funny
* app for disrupting cell phone signals so they don't ring during the service
* one touch button that writes the whole thing for you, keeps attention, and removes distractions

My credit card is in my hand as I write!

1 comment:

susan s. said...
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