Monday 22 February 2010

Letting the Cat Out....

The RW decided that the cat shouldn't be introduced toour new home until we were a bit more settled, and packing boxes had all but disappeared. So, on Friday, the bold girl came into her new home with much yamming and sniffing about. Over the weekend, she's seemed to have settled in her new abode, though has been staring longingly through the many windows, no doubt visibly marking out a new territory.

Now, I understand that cats are different from dogs. My canines just want to stay where I stay, and there are no problems. However, I'm being told all sorts of things like putting butter on wee Truffle's paws before she goes out, and a plethora of other old housewife's tales.

This morning I just let her out.She had just become too desperate. Now I'm worrying! Will she come back? Will she go searching for St Andrew's Crescent again? She's certainly disappeared, but I'll get on with my day and try not to worry too much!


dtedac said...

As a cat owner, I sympathize. God protect all of the kitties, including yours.

Fr Kenny said...

She's back! So, it's safe, I think, to just let her roam now, meet the local populace, get into a fight or three, and work out which bit of the territory is hers!

The open and wild field at the back of the house looks as if it might just be cat heaven... and some local mice may well find heaven is coming sooner than they expected!

Morag said...

Have it on good authority that the only effect of butter on a cat's paws is to make a hellish mess of all surfaces in the house until the cat manages to wash it all off!

Ken O said...

Butter on cat's paws works, by stopping them getting enough traction to run anywhere! ;)