Wednesday 15 April 2009


Well, tonight, heroes of the Blogosphere, and St Auggie's folk, your prayers seem to be being answered. A flicker of life and a little bit of humour from father, and I'm over the moon!

What a change from last night when he was so sick. We challenged the nurses at the RAH. He seemed to be infected everywhere, he seemed to be dehydrated, but he was just being left lying flat on a bed with little care. The only fluids he seemed to be drinking were the sips of coke we were feeding him through visiting times. The nurse last night told us she was only a bank nurse, and could only tell us what was written down on a wee bit of paper in her pocket.

However, due to our prompting, a saline drip was put in yesterday, and this morning, after seeing an eye specialist, he was transferred to The Vale, our local hospital. The nursing care and the way he is now being looked after is chalk and cheese. They are hydrating him again, and pumping him full of vitamins via a drip, and just for five minutes or so tonight, we had the first lucid conversation with him in over ten days. He fell asleep again shortly afterwards, but then it had been a tiring day for him with a hospital transfer!

They have found tiny blood clots behind his eye, due to his fall over two weeks ago now, but say they can deal with this.

My brother got off the plane from Dublin tonight, and I just know that he's going to see a much improved dad tomorrow, now he's getting some treatment and some TLC.

Thank you all so much for your prayers... but don't give up just yet!


Morag said...

Thats excellent news! But don't worry the prayer line for him and his family won't be stopping for a good while yet.

Christine McIntosh said...

What a rollercoaster! Resurrection indeed! But yes, the prayers go on.

Di said...

That's good to hear, Kenny. Thank goodness you stood your ground and didn't let the neglect continue. Still praying for you all.