Thursday, 25 March 2010


Yes, it's that time of year when I suddenly think, "S***! Sunday is Palm Sunday..... next week is Holy Week... it's magazine time....",  and this year I need to organise folk, brother clergy, and that's never been the case in the past!

I usually just "get into" Holy Week, and write stuff as I go along, because the basics are all in place, and if it works don't fix it. It's not lazy, it's what Liturgy is for, but this year is different with five or six clergy participating in our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. Poor men still don't know what they are doing, but they will by the end of today! I promise!

The rest will just "happen", although I've still to get the palm crosses! See me? See skin of teeth!

1 comment:

Morag said...

Why worry? You don't think the music group ever know what we're doing do you? :-)