Tuesday 23 March 2010

Back to Reality

The RW and I had a really good "relax" in Welsh Wales! She chattered constantly to her sister for 35 hours and slept little. I slept for 28 hours over the two and a half days! I'm a bit embarrassed by that, but, hey, I was really tired and needed the sleep. Ate like a horse too! (by my standards anyway)

So, we're back into panic mode today, with Holy Week next week, a funeral on Wednesday, and lots of pastoral issues around that need attention! We have a HOST student coming to stay at the weekend to sample the beauties of Scotland, so next weekend will be a bit of a blur too! All this before a return visit from the Welsh at Easter! Can't say I didn't get a day off this week though!


anniet said...

"Can't say I didn't get a day off this week though". Duly noted by the eagle-eyed MDO and box ticked approvingly!

susan s. said...

Then I'll expect you to be so busy the next two weeks that there'll be no blogging in these parts!